*Hello Everyone. My name is Amir, and I going to start writing about my personal and professional interests. Although they might seem random and all over the place, they come under the umbrella of creativity. Throughout my life, my interests have always skewed to the creative side. In my professional life, I decided to be in the business of creativity.

I wouldn’t consider myself a formal creative. I am not a trained designer, artist, writer, etc., but I have an undeniable obsession with all things creative, and I have been working on making sure to surround myself with creative ideas, people, and projects. Crazy? Yeah probably, but I have noticed I happiest being creative, and I have realized the importance of creativity in all aspects of our life. So great, a non-formal creative wants to start writing about creativity. Why?


I have a problem with having too many ideas. So many things I am interested in and I read about take up so much space in my head, with no real application in my daily life. You could say “ my head is always in the clouds”. Unfortunately, I wasn’t blessed with an unlimited hard drive of a brain, and it tends to intrude on my day-to-day activities like work, sleep, and even eating.

I often forget to do things, and my poor to-do list often goes unchecked. Instead, I started to use a brain dump journal, where when I encounter a task I write it down in a journal and check that journal every half hour. This got me somewhat on track.

I was then recommended by many people to start journaling every day. I thought was an ok idea, but It still won’t stop me from thinking about random things that pop up in my head and take me on very unproductive tangents during my day. So I decided I’m going to start writing about those ideas, knowing that I can forget about it, and if I ever wanted to revisit it I can just reread my post about it. It's kind of strange, but I guess you say it is a creative solution to a personal problem that I am trying to solve!


So as I have said, my professional interest is also now linked to creativity in one way or another. I founded a Creative staffing agency called Forcentrics where we build creative teams for companies. Creative solutions to creative problems. I also Started an Online Art Brand called Avantwall, where we create art pieces and sell them online (Scratching another creative itch). Although I am in the business of creativity, I am not here to really promote what I am doing professionally ( maybe a sprinkle of shameless plugs).

I am more interested in documenting my progress. I have not, by any means, “made it.” I will attempt to write about notable milestones as I gain more traction. Perspective is really important, and looking back at how much you have grown will be helpful especially during tougher days. When I need inspiration I will have amassed a library of articles on creativity and creative problem solving to help me.

Something that is very important to note. I am not professionally trained in any formal creative modality. I don’t have a fancy degree or a “sick portfolio” to show you, but this exercise will catalog what I know just from experience, and push me to learn to build a more robust skill set. I like to be good at whatever I do, so I hope this project makes me a better writer, marketer, and business owner.

I want to help

If I can call myself successful in life, it will only happen when I am able to contribute to society in a meaningful way. At a minimum that would mean I can help at least one person work through the creative process, help uses my experience to solve a problem they might be facing, or even write something that will take their mind off whatever is going on in their lives.

I truly believe that creativity can help us in so many interesting ways, to better help us deal with creativity and non-creative problems. I also add a bit of entertainment and talk about creative projects that are going around the world. No lesson, no creative tools, just talk about creative people create things. A new innovative building is being built? I probably won’t be able to help you, but I think it would be fun to highlight and applaud people doing cool and creative things!

So Why a blog?

Shouldn’t you open a youtube channel or Podcast? Maybe those are the fastest growing mediums (Pun intended), but I am looking to solve a personal problem, and I need the path to least resistance. I don’t know how to edit either video or audio, and I feel that will take me on one of my notorious rabbit holes trying to learn how, which will defeat the purpose. Also, I am really good at jumping from topic to topic, especially when I have a conversation, so video and audios that are just one take, with no editing, will be confusing and unstructured at the least.

This platform simple I don’t need to create or edit a site. I can just open my app, and start writing. Takes little time, and I can focus on important issues that need my attention. I also feel that this will keep me accountable to myself to be more structured in general.

Still Here?

I am excited to see what comes out of this project, and along the way, if just one person finds value I would consider it a success. I am setting a goal to write every day for a month, and hopefully for longer. Feel free to keep me accountable, and you can comment below on all my grammar mistakes.