We all have goals we want to achieve. Some of us want to lose a little bit of that quarantine weight, some want to write a blog every day for a month(that would be me). Most of our goals go unachieved and forgotten like that poor Tamagotchi pet you haven’t fed in 16 years. I Like goals because it makes things like a game. either you win or you lose. Today we will look at the super simple formula to achieve any goal.
Achieving our goals is simple (In Theory)
When you think about it. The actual way we can achieve our can be deceptively simple. Like I can write the solution in one sentence, simple. Want to lose weight? Eat less and work out more. Want to be more wealthy? Save more money than you make and invest it.
I know I know. Easier said than done, but what is it that we need to make simple sentences into a reality? Any goal you can think of can be professed in a sentence, but the process tends to be more difficult and we often quit without the achievement. And no, manifesting a million dollars or six-pack abs without actually working will not work ( I tried).
Time + Consistency= Results
I am not here to say that achieving goals no matter the size is easy. I am actually telling you what you need to achieve them is simple. Some time and Some consistency will get you a result. The problem is that people have been looking for shortcuts. This pill will melt fat away, or work 4 hours a month and become a millionaire. Especially goals that are coveted by society are especially hard to achieve, and unfortunately, there are industries that promise a faster way. whatever method or program you try to achieve your goals without time and consistency it will not work.
How many of us have tried something and quit after a week. “It doesn’t work, I tried it for a week.” How many times have you heard this, or better yet how many times have you said this yourself? I think in order to better understand how much time things take I will give you examples based off health and wealth ( hey that rhymes).
In order to burn 1 pound of fat, it takes 3500 calories. Alright let say you didn’t eat anything ( please don’t do that) it would take you about 30 days (assuming your body burns 2500 calories a day). Now more realistically if you cut 500 calories a day from your diet you will achieve your goal in 5 months. What made you think it will take you 1 week? What pill or potion will defy the laws of thermodynamics?
Ok, Dad bods are in and the doctors say you're healthy. What about money? How about a million dollars? That would be nice, wouldn't it? Let's be realistic and say you are not going to quit your job and add #entrepernuer to your Instagram profile. if you start with $10,000 and you invest $500 and assume the average return is 10 percent ( I am being very generous) you will make a million dollars in 30 years.
Ok, So it's going to take a while, but the second part of this formula is arguably even more important. I have been going to the gym for 10 years, but alas, I still look like haven’t stepped in a gym in a while (overexaggerated). The fact of the matter is you need to be consistent. It is so important and separates success and failure.
When I gave the examples on just how long goals take to achieve, this all assuming that you are following the plan to a tee. Every month you invest your money and don’t buy frivolous things. The timetable I gave for losing weight is assuming you track every morsel of food you eat and don’t eat a tub of Ben & Jerry’s while watching The Bachelor ( guilty).
There is great news though. If you are consistent it will actually shave off the time it takes to achieve your goals! The reason is that we get better every day. things become easier, It becomes our lifestyle. You dial in your diet and start adding more exercise every week. You become stronger and can do more. It's amazing. The same goes for money, we make more money, so we have more to invest, and getting to our financial goal comes sooner.
As we progress as we gain experience with any goal we put in our minds. We understand what works and what doesn’t. We can iterate and pivot and find more efficient processes. I am always trying to find creative ways to achieve most things in my life. Creative solutions start with a base, and that base is putting the time and effort to better understand how to be better.
Innovation starts with a baseline knowledge. Every Creative has a baseline of knowledge. How to perform their craft. As time goes on and they are able to become more effective and find better ways of creating. Even in School for any creative pursuits we always learn some form of history. How the world was and how this person innovated it. This is true for most professions.
We are taught to become proficient in a modality, but that's not enough. That's why new grads have trouble finding work after college. When you start your professional careers and you are putting in your time and showing up every day (hopefully). You eventually start to have great ideas and are able to execute and achieve your professional goals.
Whatever your goals are. Enjoy the process, learn, and aim to become better every day. Goals are hard to achieve, so might as well enjoy the process.