Entrepreneurship has become cool. it has been cool for a while now. As we run to start our own E-commerce brands or start the “most innovative marketing agencies”, we dream of what our business will give us.
We look forward to starting our brands and watching them grow. We manifest the fame and the money that comes with growing a business to gargantuan heights. For the most part, we start our business becaue we are optimistic.
As time goes on, we realize that our endeavors, our goals, our success, will take a more arduous route than expected. We start to blame. We start to think about why are all the bad things happening to us. We start to look at others and tell them that the chances of success are slim. We become cynical.
Entrepreneurship is Hard
Starting a business has become easier than ever. The barrier of entry is simply a phone and a wifi connection. The speed at which one can start a business is supersonic.
Yet with all the help and information out there. The percentages of businesses that succeed have stayed the same. It is hard. No matter what era, no matter what country, it is not as easy as we usually romanticized.
Why did you start?
Some of us truly have pure intentions, some materialistic intentions made to look pure, and others have blatantly materialistic intentions. We all start optimistically. Whether it to “pop bottles”, or save the planet, we all start with the thinking that we can do it.
I have never seen someone who opened a business, thinking it was going to fail right out the gate or starting the business moaning about all the things that can go wrong. Optimism is the catalyst of all business endeavors.
Optimism gets you through the hard times
True Optimism and love of your business cannot be judged at the starting phase of your business. we are all bright-eyed optimists looking for better.
It when it gets hard. When sales are not coming in. When people don’t believe in you or your business idea. How optimistic will you be then? If your optimism is powerful. If your conviction is real, you will get through the bad times and reap the benefits of the good times. Optimism is the fuel to push you forward.
The Difference Between Success & Failure
The difference between success and failure comes down to make failures (like most things). One of the biggest factors is the amount of optimism you have in your endeavors.
Optimism is Like a Battery Cell
Optimism is not black or white. It is like a spectrum and we all sit on different points on that scale. Some tend to be more optimistic, and it's the idea that creates optimism within us.
Also, your Optimism like a battery can run out. Some will stay optimistic for longer than others. Some will feel discouraged after a week of no sales, and others can die with the belief in their hearts that their idea will be successful with time.
In a lot of cases, success doesn't have to do much with brains, but grit and execution. The fuel behind this optimism. The people who have an unrelenting optimism will find the grit to push on until they succeed. It is those with optimism that will see a failure and find a way to reassess and come back stronger.
The Mature Optimist
Of Course with time you learn. You learn that it's not all positive all the time. You learn to expect bad things to happen. You have to, that's how businesses survive. You mature.
Regardless, the ember of optimism persists. You become smarter, you mature, but driven by that optimism that got you started in the first place. You see the negativity as a cost of doing business, instead of their view of the world.
Embrace Optimism. Allow it to fuel your life. Allow it to follow your dreams. Allow it to change the world.