We would All like to think that we start with the right intentions and that our message and actions are Authentic.

We would like to think That our business is out to help as many people as possible, and we look to people who have achieved that. We look up to industry leaders, whose stories we identify with.

Why is it then, that we see a portion marketers and salespeople, that employ aggressive tactics, and look at results rather than skill. We get the stereotype of the aggressive matress salesman, that will not let you leave without buying. When asked we always will say that we default for the authentic salesman, but many aren’t why?

Why Authenticity matters.

There are so maynt things that we can buy. There are so many channels to buy those products from. As consumers intaking so much data, we have learned to go on “autopilot” when looking at ads, or ignoring sales calls.

If we are to buy. we connect with the brand or person that we identify with. Someone who love what they do, and provides value. Authenticity creates a relationship that is formed and nurtured over time. IN marketing telling your story is always recommended. From famous marketers all over the world, in every generation, a story was told.

Authenticity is not telling a story its telling YOUR Story

Everybody is telling a story. Even the hyperagressive salesman that we dread seeing, can tell a great story. Many brands tell a story. A story why this product is the best and how that product has changed their customers lives. We are all telling a story.

Authenticity is telling YOUR story. The real story. Its not always the story that will convert the most this month. Its not always the story with a happy ending, but its your story. Authenticity is not showing that your company donated to save the rainforest, or that 50 percent of profits goes to help the hungry. Authenticity is telling your story. Why you started this company, why we are paying money for you see this story.

The story that is only yours, and if you buy from us, you will be part of that story. People want to be a part of something bigger. They want that brand jacket to mean something to someone.

Success From Authenticity takes time

It takes time to build both a personal brand and a business brand. It is basically your reputation that you are building and that, takes time. With the pressure of making sales and hitting qouatas, sometimes Authenticity works too slow.

Selling a product, whether through marketing or sales, on its features is important. Its quick its efficient, it shows results fast. Those products will become obsolete, All the short term tactics will only go so far, the only thing that will take you to the next level is the Authenticty of that brand.

It is what will allow Brands to live on past the founders death. Heck large Conglomerates pay millions every year to buy authentic brands, to bolster their own reputation. Coca-Cola buys so many health food brands to better their own reputation.

Even if you are authentic, it takes time for people to even care. It takes time to see the fruits of your labor, and many salespeople, marketers, and businesses, don't have the luxury to wait years to be Authentic.

You might even make way less money than strictly focusing on sales.Authenticity is not guaranteed, and Affinity to Authenticity cannot be measured. Not What CEO’s and CFO’s want to hear. No point in being Authentic if we can’t pay the rent.

Authenticity wins in the long run. When the economy Is in a recession, money is limited, what products will they buy? Maybe the cheapest, but maybe the brand that they recognize, the brand that identify with them.

When a person asks to recommend a Real Estate Agent, Architect, or graphic designer, who will be that person that is top of mind? Authenticity takes time, but will be the fuel behind your goal.

Authenticity and Community

When it comes down to it. People wanted to become part of a community. The Vegan Brands play to this idea. There are great Foods that are naturally vegan, but are not revered by the vegans of the world. Many people will drive great distances to eat at that restuatnt that serves Raw-Vegan food that will plant trees every 34 seconds.

Authencity builds community. Community builds user base. Many Brands storys start off with. “I was making X for myself, and my friends started liking it, and all of a sudden I had a business. People like that. It speaks to them. People watch other people, and the community is that first step to seeing success from Authenticity.

I won’t be a large group at first. You might not see financial rewards from i, but it will build a small, rabid fan base that will support you forever. Be Authentic, Stay Authentic, tell your story!